About ClearDash

ClearDash was designed by small businesses—for small businesses. We understand the unique constraints placed on your time and your company, and have developed a system that works well and is easy to use.

Trying to manage your business with off-the-shell time tracking software, spreadsheets and half-dozen other products can be a chore. Manage your entire company from a single application:

Trouble Ticket & Work Request Generation

Customer Relations

— Customers and employees may submit trouble-tickets / work-order requests
— Customers do not have to login or remember credentials to submit tickets
— Public ticket submission page may be customized to match your website
— Integrate contacts and work-order completion dates into Outlook
— Track complete history of work performed by ticket
— Send new-ticket alerts to your email account, Blackberry, or cell phone

Accounting & Invoice Management

Customer Relations

— Simple and efficient time tracking interface
— Reduce billing disputes with detailed, professional invoices
— Retain separate customer physical-address and billing-address
— No double entry - Employee time tracking notes are automatically added to invoice
— Spell check notes on entry for professional invoicing
— Flexible tax schedules for labor, parts and recurring charges
— Use global or customizable rates for each customer
— Customize site, invoices & commission reports with your company's information and logo
— Track purchasing term/method for hardware / software for reporting and reconciliation
— Quick Books Pro XML Integration to reduce double-entry and import & export data in real-time

Parts & Non-recurring Charges Management

Customer Relations

— Track equipment through the procurement life cycle (quoted, ordered, received, installed)
— Quickly locate parts ordered in the past for current jobs
— Copy parts ordered in the past into new customer quotes to reduce data-entry
— Track purchasing term/method on hardware / software for reporting and reconciliation
— Designate "customer-procured" equipment as part of your quotes

Customer Relations Management CRM

Customer Relations

— Generate and archive detailed quotes with parts, labor & recurring charges
— Copy existing quotes to reduce data entry on new quotes
— Review complete history of customer work with no limitations
— Search customer notes for knowledge management and training
— Track work performed on individual equipment and projects
— Log and track customer equipment and configurations
— List all recurring charges by customer
— Consolidate passwords by customer
— Generate driving directions and maps to customer locations
— Create and manage customer engagement contracts & agreements
— Provide Customers with a login for real-time tracking of work performed

Vendor Management CRM

Customer Relations

— Easy to manage list of existing vendors
— Consolidate vendor account numbers and login data in 1 location
— Track vendor history & correspondence through dated notes
— Generate driving directions and maps to vendor locations
— One-click access to vendor's website

Agent Management CRM

Customer Relations

— Establish and track agent referrals
— Create agent commissions based on percentage of sales
— Establish minimum sales amount for commission eligibility

Contractor Management

Customer Relations

— Provide contractors with a login for ticket management and time tracking notes entry
— Restrict the customers that contractors may see for added security
— Notes-searching capability for knowledge management
— Use contractor notes as time-card for commission generation

Employee Productivity

Customer Relations

— Enable multiple employees/contractors to view account history for better collaboration
— Generate driving directions and maps to customer locations
— Allow employees to create customer engagement contract based on templates
— Get relevant news, patch information & virus outbreak alerts via RSS feed portal
— Bookmark relevant Internet URL's for central "favorites" management
— Create mileage reports for expense reimbursement
— Generate detailed quotes with parts, labor & recurring charges
— Graph revenue and non-revenue generating labor
— Track delinquent customers so employees don't continue working for non-paying customers
— Link directly into web-based document management systems
— Link directly into server file-shares for access to additional customer files
— 1-click access to equipment management interfaces (telnet, FTP, VNC, Web-based admin)
— Track equipment through the procurement life cycle (quoted, ordered, received, installed)
— One-click Access to customers' website

General Administration

Customer Relations

— Separate permission-based interface for Employees, Agents, Customers & Contractors
— Create mileage reports for expense reimbursement
— Generate employee, contractor & agent commission reports
— Create template & customized customer engagement contracts & agreements
— Monitor site logins by date, time & source IP address
— Tracked failed login attempts, including failed username, password and source IP address
— Graph labor by customer or by month
— Customize site, invoices & commission reports with your company's information and logo
— Perform online backups before making site-wide changes to database
— Customize user announcements, messages & greetings
— Track delinquent customers so employees don't continue working for non-paying customers
— Organize customers into active, inactive, dead & other categories
— Track customer origin (marketing campaign, trade show, agent etc.)
— Track purchasing term/method on hardware / software for reporting and reconciliation
— Track equipment through the procurement life cycle (quoted, ordered, received, installed)


"ClearDash makes scalable management of my client's information affordable. Low billing cost means we run lean and profitable. ClearDash is so easy to use that our new technicians get up to speed fast. I've built my business around ClearDash and the pay-off is seen at the bottom line each month."

D. Dennen -- President, Dennen Communications Technologies, Inc.